Ciao @Tiger!
scusa se disturbo, non so se ti ricordi ma mi avevi aiutato a settare dnscrypt su pihole... oggi
per scrupolo ho fatto il test su cloudflare ma con mia amara sorpresa ottengo questo :
Non riesco a capire cosa ci sia di sbagliato, guarda qui il mio dnscrypt-proxy.toml :
server_names = ['scaleway-fr']
listen_addresses = ['']
max_clients = 250
ipv4_servers = true
ipv6_servers = false
dnscrypt_servers = true
doh_servers = true
require_dnssec = true
require_nolog = true
require_nofilter = true
disabled_server_names = []
force_tcp = false
timeout = 5000
keepalive = 30
cert_refresh_delay = 240
fallback_resolvers = ['', '']
ignore_system_dns = true
netprobe_timeout = 60
netprobe_address = ''
log_files_max_size = 10
log_files_max_age = 7
log_files_max_backups = 1
block_ipv6 = false
block_unqualified = true
block_undelegated = true
reject_ttl = 600
cache = true
cache_size = 4096
cache_min_ttl = 2400
cache_max_ttl = 86400
cache_neg_min_ttl = 60
cache_neg_max_ttl = 600
listen_addresses = ['']
path = "/dns-query"
cert_file = "localhost.pem"
cert_key_file = "localhost.pem"
format = 'tsv'
format = 'tsv'
urls = ['', 'https://downl> cache_file = ''
minisign_key = 'RWQf6LRCGA9i53mlYecO4IzT51TGPpvWucNSCh1CBM0QTaLn73Y7GFO3'
prefix = ''
urls = ['', 'https://download.dnscry> cache_file = ''
minisign_key = 'RWQf6LRCGA9i53mlYecO4IzT51TGPpvWucNSCh1CBM0QTaLn73Y7GFO3'
refresh_delay = 72
prefix = ''
fragments_blocked = ['cisco', 'cisco-ipv6', 'cisco-familyshield', 'cisco-familyshield-ipv6', 'quad9-dnscrypt-ip4-filter-alt', 'quad9-dnscrypt-ip4-filter-pri', 'quad9-dnscrypt-ip4-nofilter-alt', 'quad9-dnscrypt-ip4-nofilter-pri', 'quad9-dnscrypt-ip6-filter-alt', 'quad9-dnscrypt-ip6-filter-pri', 'quad9-dnscrypt-ip6-nofilter-alt', 'quad9-dnscrypt-ip6-nofilter-pri', 'cleanbrowsing-adult', 'cleanbrowsing-family-ipv6', 'cleanbrowsing-family', 'cleanbrowsing-security']
skip_incompatible = false
e qui il journalctl :
-- Logs begin at Wed 2020-05-13 17:18:28 CEST. --
Jun 03 16:53:43 gideon dnscrypt-proxy[8527]: [2020-06-03 16:53:43] [NOTICE] Network connectivity detected
Jun 03 16:53:43 gideon dnscrypt-proxy[8527]: [2020-06-03 16:53:43] [NOTICE] Source [public-resolvers] loaded
Jun 03 16:53:43 gideon dnscrypt-proxy[8527]: [2020-06-03 16:53:43] [NOTICE] Source [relays] loaded
Jun 03 16:53:43 gideon dnscrypt-proxy[8527]: [2020-06-03 16:53:43] [NOTICE] Firefox workaround initialized
Jun 03 16:53:43 gideon dnscrypt-proxy[8527]: [2020-06-03 16:53:43] [NOTICE] Now listening to [UDP]
Jun 03 16:53:43 gideon dnscrypt-proxy[8527]: [2020-06-03 16:53:43] [NOTICE] Now listening to [TCP]
Jun 03 16:53:43 gideon dnscrypt-proxy[8527]: [2020-06-03 16:53:43] [NOTICE] Now listening to [DoH]
Jun 03 16:53:43 gideon dnscrypt-proxy[8527]: [2020-06-03 16:53:43] [NOTICE] [scaleway-fr] OK (DNSCrypt) - rtt: 87ms
Jun 03 16:53:43 gideon dnscrypt-proxy[8527]: [2020-06-03 16:53:43] [NOTICE] Server with the lowest initial latency: scaleway-fr (rtt: 87ms)
Jun 03 16:53:43 gideon dnscrypt-proxy[8527]: [2020-06-03 16:53:43] [NOTICE] dnscrypt-proxy is ready - live servers: 1
Pihole invece è configurato così :
e questi sono i settings abilitati su safari :
(ho volutamente nascosto il mio ip interno, ma punta alla macchina corretta)
Detto, questo... cosa potrebbe esserci di sbagliato?