Grazie Athos
ora ho un po meno nebbia nel cervello
Seguendo quello che mi hai consigliato sono arrivato a far partire il ma inizialmente mi chiedeva di installare anche i moduli bluepy e construc e l'ho installati con
sudo pip3 install blepy
sudo pip3 install construct
poi però arrivo al momento che non si avvia ugualmente e dal / log/ThermoLib.log
ho questo:
2019-07-28 18:38:02,512 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: Traceback (most recent call last):
2019-07-28 18:38:02,514 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: File "", line 403, in <module>
2019-07-28 18:38:02,518 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: from lib.eq3 import Thermostat
2019-07-28 18:38:02,519 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: File "/home/pi/thermostat_v5/lib/eq3/", line 2, in <module>
2019-07-28 18:38:02,521 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: from .eq3btsmart import Thermostat, TemperatureException, Mode
2019-07-28 18:38:02,522 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: File "/home/pi/thermostat_v5/lib/eq3/", line 17, in <module>
2019-07-28 18:38:02,524 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: from .structures import *
2019-07-28 18:38:02,525 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: File "/home/pi/thermostat_v5/lib/eq3/", line 2, in <module>
2019-07-28 18:38:02,527 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: from construct import Struct, Adapter, ExprAdapter, Int8ub, Enum, FlagsEnum, Const, Pass, GreedyRange, GreedyBytes, IfThenElse,$
2019-07-28 18:38:02,528 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: ImportError: No module named 'construct'
2019-07-28 18:40:01,323 - kivy - ^[[1;31mCRITICAL^[[0m - [App ] Unable to get a Window, abort.
2019-07-28 18:40:01,347 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/cherrypy/process/ RuntimeWarning: The main thread is exiting, but the Bus is i$
2019-07-28 18:40:01,351 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: 'main thread exits.' % self.state, RuntimeWarning)
2019-07-28 18:41:30,893 - kivy - ^[[1;31mCRITICAL^[[0m - [App ] Unable to get a Window, abort.
2019-07-28 18:41:31,892 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/cherrypy/process/ RuntimeWarning: The main thread is exiting, but the Bus is i$
2019-07-28 18:41:31,893 - kivy - WARNING - stderr: 'main thread exits.' % self.state, RuntimeWarning)
Qui sembra che va in crisi con una libreria qnado il blethoot è abilitato
....e non so nemmeno come disabilitarlo se si può bypassare il problema in quasto modo.